Sunday, May 28, 2006



Well today I was reading a wonder full book named The Monk who sold his Ferrari reading it I realized how less I knew.. about the facts of life… and how to get more out of the life… well so first lesson I got is I should write all that happened in my day and also what I plan to do the other day …

So that I may know if I am falling back on my schedule … then it also says I should go through it sometimes… well that I will surely do.. starting from today itself

Today in morning studied a little bit then had a plan to go to movies…with 2 classmates but it failed as they had advance booking and I didn’t got a ticket :-( but no problemo.. I went to the FC road and from there to JM road where I purchased the BAG a cool and fundoo bag I liked it a lot then went to crossroads( a book store ) where I took a BIKE Magzine and called bro to discuss about the new bike it was fun as I didn’t had to buy the magazine then later I purchased this book .. then I went to Mac D and had one burger and French fries it was good then came back by local …

Studied a little bit and again a movie KING KONG .. well what can I say I don’t study but I have to study I have a exam coming up and I promised myself that I will top MCA and I am not doing anything to achieve it …

So I promise myself to complete the 1st chapter tomorrow itself… and no delays in that for sure..

That’s all folks

Cuddly Wuddly Wush :-)

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