Saturday, December 01, 2007


Don't Remember when i last wrote

Today i realised it got to me that i am going to get married to Shraddha Bhatnagar...

Now who is she where should i start describing her
Let me start with BCA where i first met her she came to class with a hot girl but i was looking at her never told her but i was always having a feeling for her... don't know maybe i was looking for a frnd in her or maybe love but don't know what exactly happened but we started talking and i realized i loved talking to her... i loved spending time with her... which went for about a year... during which i just loved talking to her... then one day we proposed to each other i did it as it was my first time and also i was excited to know what love is little did i know that love is something you don't do to understand it... but once i committed i started getting away from her Love became a torture for me ... it made me things i didn't want to do then... i was really very angry with myself why do i have to go into love like this i wanted to be free i wanted to get away from all this...

And i did took some drastic steps for doing it... which were wrong and very mean but i was not able to think of anything else... i had one thing in mind i had to become something in life and love was making me slow... i never thought what will happen to shraddha and i am really sorry for that till now

then came a phase were i really wanted to enjoy and be free again love was hindrance because i whenever i was enjoying i was really missing her and that made me more mad as i wanted to enjoy and also missed her at the same time i was not able to figure out what was happening to me

Slowly i inched to a job but here also it was as if i wanted to climb up and then go for love and marriage i was wrong again u can't get away from love and finally i subsided ... to marriage...but now i realised in all this it was always me and me...

i was always thinking of myself and not my love shraddha... she was always there and she made this possible ... i don't know i just want to keep her happy and some how i always fail at it... i always want to give her happiness and i always land up in getting tears...

I promise myself one thing whatever happens i will always love her very much and keep her happy .........

LOVE YOU My Darling Shraddha

Just want to get married

Ur and Only Urs

Vaibhav Bhargava

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